Step by step process how to broadcast a message inside the WeChat. In this video, I will explain how to simultaneously send many messages inside WeChat. This option is called broadcast message. It is beneficial for marketing and during the holidays. For example, as a Travel Agent, I can send a broadcast message for future tours, including dates and rates. Here is a list of original greetings for the Chinese New Year. Copy them and start using the broadcast messages. 恭喜发财May you come into a good fortune 除夕之夜辞旧岁, New year’s eve 新年联欢共举杯, New year’s party toast 大红灯笼高高挂, Big red lantern hanging high 展望美好新一年, Looking forward to the new year 祝大家快乐守岁,红火热闹过大年! I wish you a happy and prosperous new year! Visit my site for more examples:
see you 再见! Neta