In this video, I will show you Chinese pop singers’ accounts on Sina Weibo. Weibo is the best social media for KOL (key opinion leaders), Chinese influencers, and bloggers who want to interact directly with their followers and fans. One of the Pop singers I will introduce has 34.8 Million followers! I promised to write the pop singers Weibo account mentioned in my video so here it is: 1.程响 Cheng Xiang who is singing 世界那么大还是遇见你 account is: @歌手程响 2. Mengran Miya, who is singing 少年 weibo account is: @梦然MIYA 3. My favorite Chinese singer G.E.M weibo account is: @GEM邓紫棋. 4. Flower band (its a rock band but they also has beautiful Pop song ) @花儿乐队. Do you know a MUST follow a weibo account? Please share it with me below! What about Pop Singers videos in the Bilibili? Check out my previous video
Have a great day, and Zai Jian,