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How to use Bilibili? The Chinese YouTube | 哔哩哔哩 Bilibili Tour with the assistance of Dianxi Xiaoge

Published - December 3, 2023

Bilibili is a video platform considered to be China’s YouTube. This video is all about Bilibili, and my assistance for the video is my favorite vlogger Dianxi Xiaoge. I will teach you how to use Bilibili with special tricks! We will review the Bilibili platform and company: What are its unique features that YouTube does not have? Which search filters are the best? With special tricks on how to use it without knowing a word in Mandarin! If this video was helpful, like and subscribe. It would be awesome! As I promised, here are the filters of Bilibili: 1. Comprehensive sorting 综合排序 You can sort a video: with the most clicks, the latest release, most bullet screens, and most favorite. 2. Time Sorting 全部时长. Sorta video according to its length. You can tell how long according to the numbers next to it. 3. All subjects 全部分区. This is where I find particular topics, such as Animals and Knowledge (知识). Explore it with a translation app, like Google Translate. Please write me if this video was useful and what more would you like to explore in China Media World? Wonder why Dianxi Xiaoge’s nickname is Chicken Boquete? Check my video next video, React to an Amazing Food Blogger Dianxi Xiaoge

Have a great day, and Zai Jian!


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