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Li Ziqi vs Dianxi Xiaoge | The Chinese online celebrities you MUST know李子柒比 滇西小哥

Published - December 3, 2023

Liziqi and Dianxi Xiaoge are both online celebrities in China and abroad. They operate in the same niece and give their perspective: giving a peek to the local culture, food and rural life in China trough their videos. However, each one of them expresses it differently. Their fans describe Liziqi as Art and Dianxi Xiaoge as life. In this video we will compare and learn the difference between them, speaking about their storytelling, style and crises that led to their success. We admire Liziqi’s clear minds and talented hands, however Dianxi touches directly in our hearth. She makes us miss our family and appreciate the simple, humble way of living. So as their fans said Li is art and Dianxi is life.

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    Li Ziqi Vs Dianxi Xiaoge The Chinese Online Celebrities You Must Know李子柒比 滇西小哥

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