Sharing is caring, right? In this video I will show three new features of WeChat that will blow your mind: WeChat Cool and NewTrickes: How to Nudge a person? How do you transform your voice message into text? How do you make your selfie stickers? WeChat keep on progress and we must stay UpToDate with the local trends. We are speaking about very cool tricks that will teach you how to save your time and make some fun, and I did a quick informative tutorial to make it easier. Special thanks to @Marcus Meng who asked about the Nudge, the first tip is for you. This is a new channel. Please give me feedback and ask me questions so I will be motivated to continue with informative videos 😉 I would love us to keep in touch, please Subscribe and “Like” it means a lot! Right to the point Index: 00:16 Tickeling /Nudging, your chance to remind your friend that you are still in the chat. Is this Facebook or Wechat? 😊 00:47 Voice Input, speak fast, and drive safe. 01:24 Selfie Stickers, Chinese will use this as most they love stickers, after you try it im sure you will love it as well Bonus: At the end of the video I am sharing exiting news about WeChat ID! Waiting for your comment. Which tip was a killer? *Feel free to ask me about Chinese culture, tourism, and social media! Till next time, Thank you and have a great day/ Neta